prof. dr hab. Szymon P. Malinowski |
Professor |
Institute of Geophysics Atmospheric Physics Department |
ul. Pasteura 5, room: B4.42 |
+48 22 55 32 042 |
malina@fuw.edu.pl szymon.malinowski@uw.edu.pl |
Physics of clouds and precipitation
Atmospheric turbulence
Numerical modeling of atmospheric flows
Attmospheric airborne measurements
Remote sensing
Scaling and nonlinear processes in the atmosphere
- Climate information and education
Degrees and titles
- Titular professorship in Earth Sciences, 2008.
- Habilitation in Physical Sciences, branch: Geophysics, specialization: Atmospheric Physics. Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1998.
- PhD in Geophysics, Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1988
Dissertation: Cooling Tower and stack plumes in various atmospheric conditions: focus on mixing processes.
Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Haman. - M.Sc in Physics, Atmospheric Physics, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, 1982
Dissertation: Elevation of stack plumes in various meteorological conditions.
Supervisor: prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Haman
- since 2002: professor, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics,Institute of Geophysics
- 1992-2002: adjoint professor University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics,Institute of Geophysics
- 1990-1992: research scientist, Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Canada
- 1988-1990: adjoint professor, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics,Institute of Geophysics
- 1987-1988: assistant professor, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics,Institute of Geophysics
- 1982-1986: PhD student, Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences.
Scholarships and scientific stays abroad
- 2023: visiting professor (June), Université de Lille, Lille, France.
- 2013 - 2014: visiting professor (winter semester), Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany;
- 2011: visiting scientist (6 weeks) Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics University of California, Santa Barbara, USA;
- 1995-2012: visiting scientist (multiple up to 2 months), National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA;
- 1994-2000: visiting scientist (multiple mid-lenghth visits) Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany;
- 1993 i 1995: visiting scientist (two-week long visits) Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques, Toulouse, France;
- 1990-1992: research scientist, Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Kanada;
Functions performed
- since 2023 - chair, Interdisciplinary Commitee on Climate Crisis
- since 2021 - president of the Climate Education Founfation
- 2020-2022 - chair of the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences Interdisciplinary Advisory Board on Climate Crisis
- 2016-2024 - director of the Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
- 2002-2013 - head, Atmospheric Physics Division, Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
Promoter of doctoral dissertations
- Andrzej Wyszogrodzki, 2001, The influence of internal gravity waves on the lower atmosphere, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics.
- Piotr Banat, 2001, Laboratry investigations of turbukent mixing in clouds, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics.
- Mirosław Andrejczuk, 2004, Effect od water on small-scale turbulence in clouds, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics.
- Adam Jaczewski, 2005, Statistical analysis of cloud droplet spatial distribution observed in laboratory conditions, Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences.
- Marcin Witek, 2008, Sea salt aerosol in global transport models - results, validations, and model imrovements, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, co-supervisor Dr. Piotr Flatau, Scripps Institution for Oceanography UCSD San Diego, USA.
- Zbigniew Piotrowski, 2010, Numerical simulations of convection in geophysical flows”, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, co-supervisor Dr. Piotr K. Smolarkiewicz, National Center of Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA.
- Michał Posyniak, 2013, Remote sensing of optical properties of atmospheric aerosols, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, co-supervisor Prof. Tadeusz Stacewicz, Institute of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.
- Aleksandra Ewa Kardaś, Remote sensing investigation of optical and physical properties of cloud and atmoepheric aerosol particles, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics.
- Dariusz Baranowski, 2015, Air-sea interaction in tropical atmosphere: influence of ocean mixing on atmospheric processes, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics. co-supervisor Dr. Piotr Flatau, Scripps Institution for Oceanography UCSD San Diego, USA.
- Emmanuel O Akinlabi, 2020, Analysis and numerical reconstruction of small scales for atmospheric turbulence, co-supervisor Dr. Eng. Marta Wacławczyk, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics.
- Jakub L. Nowak, 2022, Turbulence properties in coupled and decoupled stratocumulus-topped marine boundary layers, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics.
- Moein Mohammadi, 2023, Cloud Microphysical Measurements with Shadowgraph Imaging Technique, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics.
- Marta K. Kopeć, 2023, Comparison of the numerical simulations of the stratocumulus clouds against the in-situ measurements data, co-supervisor Dr. Zbigniew Piotrowski, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics.
Popularizing science
- co-founder, editor, author of http://naukaoklimacie.pl/
- co-founder and chair of the Climate Education Foundation
- variuos activities in Polish media, Festivals of Science, schools
- co-author of "Nauka o klimacie" book
- co-author of 3 chapters in "Klimatyczne ABC" book
- co-author of the film about global warming "It's okay to panic"
Membership in committees and organizations
- 2019: member, Scientific Advisory Board, Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences
- 2016-2019 chair, Committee of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences
- 2016-2019 member, Fluid Mechanics Section, Committee of Mechanics, Polish Academy of Sciences
- 2016-2019 member National Committee IUGG
- 2015-2019: deputy chair Scientific Advisory Board, Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences
- 2014-2019: member European Turbulence Conference committee
- 2007-2015 deputy chair, Committee of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences
- 2006-2010: member, steering committee, International Collaboration in Turbulence Research (ICTR)
- 2003-2006: member, Committee of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences
- 2002-2005: member Program Committee of the Center for Op[en and Multimedia Education, University of Warsaw
- 2000-2008: członek Executive Committee of the International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation, IAMAS, IUGG
- since 1999: member, scientific Council, Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
- 1996-2003, and since 2008 - : member, Council, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
Activities in scientific societies
- since 2011: correponding member, Societas Scientarum Varsaviensis
- since 2020: correponding member, Polish Academy of Sciences
Editorial activities
Redaktor (associate editor) czasopism:
- Acta Geophysica (2006-2013),
- Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (since 2011),
Editor of special volumes::
- Atmospheric Research Volume 82, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-462 (November 2006), 14th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation14th ICCP, 14th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation Bologna, Italy, Edited by Wojciech W. Grabowski, Alexei V. Korolev, Ulrike Lohmann and Szymon P. Malinowski,
- New Journal of Physics 10 July 2008 focus issue: "Focus on Cloud Physics" Gregory Falkovich and Szymon P Malinowski, 2008 New J. Phys. 10 075012 doi:10.1088/1367-2630,
- Acta Geophysica vol. 59, no. 6, Dec. 2011, topical issue "Modeling Atmospheric Circulations with Sound-Proof Equations, DOI:10.2478/s11600-011-0057-6, editors: Szymon P. Malinowski, Andrzej A. Wyszogrodzki and Michał Ziemiański.
2017 - Together with "Nauka o klimacie" winner as team in national copmpetition "Science educator"
2022 - Polish Science Foundation, Prof. Maciej W. Grabski Award for actions for the understanding of science in society, building trust in scientific knowledge and bringing closer the influence of science and scientists on Polish civilization development.
Participation in experiments
1999 - July -August – WIFE (Boulder, CO, USA);
2001 – July – DYCOMS II (San Diego, Ca, USA);
2003 – May – BBC-2 (the Netherlands);
2007 – July-August – MACRON (ALOMAR, Norway);
2008 – July-August– POST, Monterey, (CA USA );
since 2012 - visits to Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernenhaus;
2017 - June-July ACORES ;
2020 - January - February EUREC4A
- Nowak J.L., Lothon M., Lenschow D.H., and Malinowski S.P., 2025, The ratio of transverse to longitudinal turbulent velocity statistics for aircraft measurements, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 18(1), pp. 93-114, 10.5194/amt-18-93-2025
- Wacławczyk M., Nzotungishaka J., Jędrejko P., Sarkar J., and Malinowski S.P., 2025, Dissipation Scaling with a Variable Cϵ Coefficient in the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Atmosphere, vol. 16(2), art. 188, 10.3390/atmos16020188
- Król S., Blyth A.M., Böing S., Denby L., Lachlan-Cope T.A., Malinowski S.P., 2024, Can Recurrence Quantification Analysis Be Useful in the Interpretation of Airborne Turbulence Measurements?, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 51(6), art. e2023GL105753, 10.1029/2023GL105753
- Król S., Malinowski S.P., 2024, Anisotropic turbulence in marine cumulus clouds, Journal of Physics: Conference Serie, vol. 2899, 012020, 10.1088/1742-6596/2899/1/012020
- Schlömer A., Hetényi G., Plomerová J., Vecsey L., Bielik M., Bokelmann G., Csicsay K., Czuba W., Fojtíková L., Friederich W., Fuchs F., Grad M., Janik T., Kampfová Exnerová H., Kolínský P., Malinowski S., Meier T., Mendecki M., Papčo J., Środa P., Szűcs E., Süle B., Timkó M., Gyarmati A., Wéber Z.,, 2024, The Pannonian-Carpathian-Alpine seismic experiment (PACASE): network description and implementation, Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, vol. 59, pp. 249-270, 10.1007/s40328-024-00439-w
- Wacławczyk M., Nowak J.Ł., Vassilicos J.C., Malinowski S.P., 2024, Turbulent cascades in the Atmospheric Boundary Layers, Journal of Physics: Conference Serie, vol. 2899, art. 012019, 10.1088/1742-6596/2899/1/012020
- Nurowska K., Mohammadi M., Malinowski S., Markowicz K., 2023, Applicability of the low-cost optical particle counter OPC-N3 for microphysical measurements of fog, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 16(9), 2415–2430, 10.5194/amt-16-2415-2023
- Mohammadi M., Nowak J.L. and Malinowski S.P., 2022, Microphysical measurements of hydrometeors using shadowgraph imaging technique, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2367, art. 012020, 10.1088/1742-6596/2367/1/012020
- Mohammadi M., Nowak J.L., Bertens G., Molacek J., Kumala W. and Malinowski S.P., 2022, Cloud microphysical measurements at a mountain observatory: comparison between shadowgraph imaging and phase Doppler interferometry, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 15, 965-985, 10.5194/amt-15-965-2022
- Nowak J.L., Grosz R., Frey W., Niedermeier D., Mijas J., Malinowski S.P., Ort L., Schmalfuß S., Stratmann F., Voigtländer J. and Stacewicz T., 2022, Contactless optical hygrometry in LACIS-T, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 15(13), 4075-4089, 10.5194/amt-15-4075-2022
- Wacławczyk M., Nowak J.L. and Malinowski S.P., 2022, Non-equilibrium dissipation scaling in atmospheric turbulence, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2367, art. 012032, 10.1088/1742-6596/2367/1/012032
- Wacławczyk M., Nowak J.L., Siebert H. and Malinowski S.P., 2022, Detecting non-equilibrium states in atmospheric turbulence, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 79(10), 2757-2772, 10.1175/JAS-D-22-0028.1
- Nowak J., Mohammadi M., Malinowski S., 2021, Applicability of the VisiSize D30 shadowgraph system for cloud microphysical measurements, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 14, 2615–2633, 10.5194/amt-14-2615-2021
- Nowak J.L., Siebert H., Szodry K.-E. and Malinowski S.P., 2021, Coupled and decoupled stratocumulus-topped boundary layers: turbulence properties, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 21(14), 10965-10991, 10.5194/acp-21-10965-2021
- Siebert H., Szodry K.-E., Egerer U., Wehner B., Henning S., Chevalier K., Lückerath J., Welz O., Weinhold K., Fialho P., Roberts G., Allwayin N., Schum S., Shaw R.A., Mazzoleni C., Mazzoleni L., Nowak J.L., Malinowski S. Karpinska K., Kumala W., Czyzewska D., Luke E.P., Kollias P., Wood R., Mellado J.P., 2021, Observations of aerosol, cloud, turbulence, and radiation properties at the top of the marine boundary layer over the Eastern North Atlantic Ocean: The ACORES campaign, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 102(1), E123-E147, 10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0191.1
- Stevens B., Bony S., Farrell D., ..., Grosz R., ..., Kumala W., ..., Malinowski S., ..., Nowak J.L., ..., Ziemen F., Zinner T., and Zöger M., 2021, EUREC4A, Earth System Science Data, vol. 13(8), 4067-4119, 10.5194/essd-13-4067-2021
- Wacławczyk M., Gozingan A., Nzotungishaka J., Mohammadi M., Malinowski S.P., 2020, Comparison of Different Techniques to Calculate Properties of Atmospheric Turbulence from Low-Resolution Data, Atmosphere, vol. 11(2), art. 199, 10.3390/atmos11020199
- Akinlabi E.O., Wacławczyk M., Malinowski S.P., Mellado J.P., 2019, Fractal Reconstruction of Sub-Grid Scales for Large Eddy Simulation, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, vol. 103(2), 293–322, 10.1007/s10494-019-00030-2
- Akinlabi E.O., Wacławczyk M., Mellado J.P., and Malinowski S.P., 2019, Estimating Turbulence Kinetic Energy Dissipation Rates in the Numerically Simulated Stratocumulus Cloud-Top Mixing Layer: Evaluation of Different Methods, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 76(5), 1471–1488, 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0146.1
- Karpińska K., Bodenschatz J.F.E., Malinowski S.P., Nowak J.L., Risius S., Schmeissner T., Shaw R.A., Siebert H., Xi H., Xu H., and Bodenschatz E., 2019, Turbulence-induced cloud voids: observation and interpretation, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 19, 4991-5003, 10.5194/acp-19-4991-2019
- Lisok J., Pedersen J., Ritter C., Markowicz K.M., Malinowski S., Mazzola M., Udisti R. and Stachlewska I.S., 2018, Impact of biomass burning plume on radiation budget and atmospheric dynamics over the arctic, EPJ Web of Conferences, vol. 176, art. 06008, 10.1051/epjconf/201817606008
- Ma Y.-F., Pedersen J.G., Grabowski W.W., Kopec M.K., Malinowski S.P., 2018, Influences of Subsidence and Free‐Tropospheric Conditions on the Nocturnal Growth of Nonclassical Marine Stratocumulus, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, vol. 10(11), 2706-2730, 10.1029/2018MS001295
- Pedersen J.G., Ma Y-F., Grabowski W.W., Malinowski S.P., 2018, Anisotropy of Observed and Simulated Turbulence in Marine Stratocumulus, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, vol. 10(2), 500-515, 10.1002/2017MS001140
- Popkiewicz M, Kardaś A., Malinowski S., 2018, Nauka o klimacie
- Stacewicz T., Magryta P., Petersen B., Nowak J., Kwiatkowski K., Malinowski S., 2018, Highly sensitive airborne open path optical hygrometer for upper air measurements - proof of concept, Metrology and Measurement Systems, vol. 25(4), 793–805, 10.24425/mms.2018.124877
- Ma Y.-F., Malinowski S.P., Karpińska K., Gerber H.E. and Kumala W., 2017, Scaling Analysis of Temperature and Liquid Water Content in the Marine Boundary Layer Clouds during POST, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 74 (12), 4075–4092, 10.1175/JAS-D-17-0015.1
- Wacławczyk M., Ma Y., Kopec J.M., and Malinowski S.P., 2017, Novel approaches to estimating the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate from low- and moderate-resolution velocity fluctuation time series, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 10, 4573-4585, 10.5194/amt-10-4573-2017
- Gerber H., Malinowski S.P., and Jonsson H., 2016, Evaporative and Radiative Cooling in POST Stratocumulus, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 73, 3877–3884, 10.1175/JAS-D-16-0023.1
- Jen-La Plante I., Ma Y., Nurowska K., Gerber H., Khelif D., Karpinska K., Kopec M.K., Kumala W., Malinowski S.P., 2016, Physics of Stratocumulus Top (POST): turbulence characteristics, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 16, 9711-9725, 10.5194/acp-16-9711-2016
- Kopeć J.M., Kwiatkowski K., de Haan S., and Malinowski S.P., 2016, Retrieving atmospheric turbulence information from regular commercial aircraft using Mode-S and ADS-B, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 9, 2253-2265, 10.5194/amt-9-2253-2016
- Kopec M., Malinowski S., Piotrowski Z., 2016, Effects of wind shear and radiative cooling on the stratocumulus-topped boundary layer, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, vol. 142 (701), 3222–3233, 10.1002/qj.2903
- Nowak J., Magryta P., Stacewicz T., Kumala W., Malinowski S.P., 2016, Fast optoelectronic sensor of water concentration, Optica Applicata, vol. 46(4), 607-618, 10.5277/oa160408
- Pedersen J.G., Malinowski S.P., Grabowski W.W., 2016, Resolution and domain-size sensitivity in implicit large-eddy simulation of the stratocumulus-topped boundary layer, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, vol. 8, 885–903, 10.1002/2015MS000572
- Siebert, H., Shaw, R. A., Ditas, J., Schmeissner, T., Malinowski, S.P., Bodenschatz, E. and Xu, H., 2015, High-resolution measurement of cloud microphysics and turbulence at a mountaintop station, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 8, 3219-3228, 10.5194/amt-8-3219-2015
- Jakubiak, B., Licznar, P., Malinowski, S.P., 2014, Rainfall estimates from radar vs. raingauge measurements. Warsaw case study, Environment Protection Engineering, vol. 40 (2), 159-170, doi: 10.5277/epe140212
- Karpinska K., Malinowski S.P., 2014, Towards better understanding of preferential concentration in clouds: droplets in small vortices, American Meteorological Society 14th Conference on Cloud Physics/14th Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, At Boston, MA, USA, doi: 10.13140/2.1.4434.9445
- Stacewicz, T., Posyniak, M., Sitarek, S., Malinowski, S.P., 2014, Lidar retrievals of cloud droplet number concentration at the cumulus base: A feasibility study, Atmospheric Research, vol. 142, 32-39, 10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.10.023
- Gerber H., Frick G., Malinowski S.P., Jonsson H., Khelif D., Krueger S.K., 2013, Entrainment rates and microphysics in POST stratocumulus, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 118 (21), 12,094–12,109, 10.1002/jgrd.50878
- Kumala, W., Haman, K. E., Kopec, M. K., Khelif, D., and Malinowski, S. P., 2013, Modified ultrafast thermometer UFT-M and temperature measurements during Physics of Stratocumulus Top (POST), Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 3, 2043-2054, 10.5194/amt-6-2043-2013, 2013
- Malinowski S.P., Gerber H., Jen-La Plante I., Kopec M.K., Kumala W., Nurowska K., Chuang P.Y., Khelif D., Haman K.E., 2013, Physics of Stratocumulus Top (POST): turbulent mixing across capping inversion, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 13, 12171-12186, 10.5194/acp-13-12171-2013
- Muhlbauer A., Grabowski W.W., Malinowski S.P., Ackerman T., Bryan G., Lebo Z., Milbrandt J., Morrison H., Ovchinnikov M., Tessendorf S., Thériault J., Thompson G., 2013, Reexamination of the State of the Art of Cloud Modeling Shows Real Improvements, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 94 (5), ES45-ES48, 10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00188.1
- Devenish, B.J., Bartello, P., Brenguier, J.-L., Collins, L.R., Grabowski, W.W., Ijzermans, R.H.A., Malinowski, S.P., Reeks, M.W., Vassilicos, J.C., Wang, L.-P., Warhaft, Z., 2012, Droplet growth in warm turbulent clouds, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, vol. 138, 1401–1429, 10.1002/qj.1897
- Korczyk P.M., Kowalewski T.A., Malinowski S.P., 2012, Turbulent mixing of clouds with the environment: Small scale two phase evaporating flow investigated in a laboratory by particle image velocimetry, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, vol. 241 (3), 288-296, 10.1016/j.physd.2011.11.003
- Markowicz, K.M., Zielinski, T., Blindheim, S., Gausa, M., Jagodnicka, A.K., Kardas, A.E., Kumala, W., Malinowski, S.P., Petelski, T., Posyniak, M., Stacewicz T., 2012, Study of vertical structure of aerosol optical properties with sun photometers and ceilometer during MACRON campaign in 2007, Acta Geophysica, vol. 60 (5), 1308–1337, 2478/s11600-011-0056-7
- Baranowski, D.B., Flatau, P.J., Malinowski, S.P., 2011, Tropical cyclone turbulent mixing as observed by autonomous oceanic profilers with the high repetition rate, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 318(SECTION 7), 3072001, 10.1088/1742-6596/318/7/072001
- Malinowski, Sz.P., Wyszogrodzki, A.A., Ziemiański, M.Z., 2011, Modeling Atmospheric Circulations with Sound-Proof Equations, Acta Geophysica, vol. 59 (6), 1073-1075, 10.2478/s11600-011-0057-6
- Posyniak, M., Malinowski, S.P., Stacewicz, T., Markowicz K.M., Zieliński T., Petelski, T., Makuch, P., 2011, Multiwavelength micropulse lidar in atmospheric aerosol study - Signal processing, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. Lidar Technologies, Techniques, and Measurements for Atmospheric Remote Sensing VII, 818216, 10.1117/12.898160
- Bodenschatz E., Malinowski S.P., Shaw R.A., Strattmann F., 2010, Can We Understand Clouds without Turbulence?, Science, vol. 327, 970-971, 10.1126/science.1185138
- Kardaś, A.E, Markowicz, K.M., Stelmaszczyk, K., Karasinski, G., Malinowski, S.P., Stacewicz, T., Woeste, L., Hochhertz, C., 2010, Saharan aerosol sensed over Warsaw by depolarization lidar, Optica Applicata, vol. 40, 219-237
- Posyniak, M., Stacewicz, T., Miernecki, M., Jagodnicka, A.K., Malinowski S.P., 2010, Multiwavelength micropulse lidar for atmospheric aerosol investigation, Optica Applicata, vol. 40, 623-632
- Andrejczuk M., Grabowski W.W., Malinowski S.P., Smolarkiewicz P.K., 2009, Numerical Simulation of Cloud-Clear Air Interfacial Mixing:Homogeneous versus Inhomogeneous Mixing, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2493-2500, 10.1175/2009JAS2956.1
- Jagodnicka, A.K., Stacewicz, T. Karasiński, G., Posyniak, M., Malinowski S.P., 2009, Particle size distribution retrieval from multiwavelength lidar signals for droplet aerosol, Applied Optics, vol. 48, B8-B16, 10.1364/AO.48.0000B8
- Jagodnicka, A.K., Stacewicz, T., Posyniak, M., Malinowski, S.P., 2009, Aerosol investigation with multiwavelength lidar, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 7479, Lidar Technologies, Techniques, and Measurements for Atmospheric Remote Sensing V, 747903, 10.1117/12.830465
- Kurowski, M.J., Malinowski, S.P., Grabowski, W.W., 2009, A numerical investigation of entrainment and transport within a stratocumulus-topped boundary layer, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, vol. 135, 77–92, 10.1002/qj.354
- Piotrowski, Z.P., Smolarkiewicz, P.K, Malinowski, S.P., Wyszogrodzki A.A., 2009, On numerical realizability of thermal convection, Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 228, 6268-6290, 10.1016/j.jcp.2009.05.023
- Falkovich G., Malinowski S.P., 2008, Focus on Cloud Physics, New Journal of Physics, vol. 10
- Malinowski, S.P., Andrejczuk, M., Grabowski, W.W., Korczyk P.K., Kowalewski T.A., Smolarkiewicz P.K., 2008, Laboratory and modeling studies of cloud-clear air interfacial mixing: anisotropy of small-scale turbulence due to evaporative cooling, New Journal of Physics, vol. 10, 075020, 10.1088/1367-2630/10/7/075020
- Haman K.E., Malinowski S.P., Kurowski M.J., Gerber H., Brenguier, J.L., 2007, Small scale mixing processes at the top of a marine stratocumulus – a case study, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, vol. 133, 213-226, 10.1002/qj.5
- Karasiński, G., Kardaś, A. E., Markowicz, K.M., Malinowski, S.P., Stacewicz, T., Stelmaszczyk, K., Chudzyński, S., Skubiszak, W., Posyniak, M., Jagodnicka, A. K., Hochhertz, C., Woeste, L., 2007, Lidar investigation of properties of atmospheric aerosol, European Physical Journal Special Topics, vol. 144, 129–138, 10.1140/epsjst/e2007-00117-8
- Malinowski S.P., 2007, Turbulent mixing of a cloud with the environment: two-phase evaporating flow. Numerical simulations, laboratory experiments and field measurements, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 45, 587-601
- Andrejczuk M., Grabowski W.W., Malinowski S.P., Smolarkiewicz P.K., 2006, Numerical simulation of cloud-clear air interfacial mixing: effects on cloud microphysics, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 63, 3204–3225, 10.1175/JAS3813.1
- Korczyk P.M., Malinowski S.P., Kowalewski T.K., 2006, Mixing of cloud and clear air in centimeter scales observed in laboratory by means of particle image velocimetry, Atmospheric Research, vol. 82, 173-182, 10.1016/j.atmosres.2005.09.009
- Gerber, H., Frick G., Malinowski S.P., Brenguier J.L., Burnet F., 2005, Holes and Entrainment in Stratocumulus, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 62, 443–459, 10.1175/JAS-3399.1
- Jaczewski A., Malinowski S.P., 2005, Spatial distribution of cloud droplets investigated in a turbulent cloud chamber, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, vol. 131, 2047-2062, 10.1256/qj.04.65
- Andrejczuk M., Grabowski W.W., Malinowski S.P., Smolarkiewicz P.K., 2004, Numerical Simulation of Cloud-Clear Air Interfacial Mixing, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 61, 1726–1739, 10.1175/1520-0469(2004)061<1726:NSOCAI>2.0.CO;2
- Stevens B., Lenschow D.H., Vali G., Gerber, H, Bandy, A., Blomquist, B., Brenguier, J.L., Bretherton, C.S., Burnet, F., Campos, T. Chai, S., Faloona, I., Friesen, D., Haimov, S., Laursen, K. Lilly, D.K., Loehrer, S.M., Malinowski, S.P., Morley, B, Petters, M.D., Rogers, D.C., Russell, L., Savic-Jovac, V., Snider, J.R., Straub, D., Szumowski, M.J., Takagi, H. Thornton, D.C. Tschudi, M., Twohy, C., Wetzel, M., van Zanten, M.C., 2003, Dynamics and chemistry of marine stratocumulus – Dycoms-II, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 84, 579-593, 10.1175/BAMS-84-5-579
- Haman K.E., Malinowski S.P., Strus B.D., Busen R., Stefko A., 2001, Two new types of ultrafast aircraft thermometers, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, vol. 18, 117-134, 10.1175/1520-0426(2001)018<0117:TNTOUA> 2.0.CO;2
- Banat P., Malinowski S.P., 1999, Properties of the turbulent cloud-clear air interface observed in the laboratory experiment, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth B, vol. 24, 741-745, 10.1016/S1464-1909(99)00075-1
- Malinowski S.P., Jaczewski A., 1999, Laboratory investigation of droplet concentration at the cloud-clear air interface, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth B, vol. 24, 477-480, 10.1016/S1464-1909(99)00032-5
- Haman, K.E., Makulski A.M., Malinowski S.P., Busen R., 1998, A new ultra-fast thermometer for airborne measurements in clouds, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, vol. 14, 217-227, 10.1175/1520-0426(1997)014<0217:ANUTFA>2.0.CO;2
- Malinowski S.P., Grabowski W.W., 1997, Local increase in concentration of cloud droplets and water content resulting from turbulent mixing, Journal of Technical Physics, vol. 38, 397-406
- Malinowski S.P., Zawadzki I., Banat P., 1997, Laboratory Observations Of Cloud-Clear Air Mixing at Small Scales, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, vol. 15, 1060-1065, 10.1175/1520-0426(1998)015<1060:LOOCCA>2.0.CO;2
- Haman K.E., Malinowski S.P., 1996, Temperature measurements in clouds on a centimetre scale - preliminary results, Atmospheric Research, vol. 41(2), 161-175, 10.1016/0169-8095(96)00007-5
- Malinowski S.P., Leclerc M.Y., 1994, Fractal properties of temperature fluctuations in the convective surface layer, Boundary Layer Meteorology, vol. 71, 169–187, 10.1007/BF00709225
- Malinowski S.P., Leclerc M.Y., Baumgardner D.G., 1994, Fractal analysis of the high resolution FSSP data, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 51, 397-413, 10.1175/1520-0469(1994)051<0397:FAOHRC>2.0.CO;2
- Malinowski S.P., Zawadzki I., 1993, On the surface of clouds, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 50, 5-13, 10.1175/1520-0469(1993)050<0005:OTSOC>2.0.CO;2
- Haman K.E and Malinowski S.P., 1989, Drag effects in convective drafts, Atmospheric Research, vol. 24, 325-331, 10.1016/0169-8095(89)90052-5
- Haman, K.E. and Malinowski S.P., 1989, Observations of cooling tower and stack plumes and their comparison with plume model ALINA, Atmos. Environ., vol. 23, 1223-1234, 10.1016/0004-6981(89)90149-2
- Malinowski S.P., Pawlowska H., 1989, On estimating the entrainment level in cumulus clouds, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, vol. 46, 2463-2465, 10.1175/1520-0469(1993)050<0005:OTSOC>2.0.CO;2
- Haman, K.E., Malinowski, S.P., 1988, Observations of cooling tower and stack plumes and their comparison with plume model "ALINA", Atmospheric Environment, vol. 23(6), 1223-1234, doi.org/10.1016/0004-6981(89)90149-2
Research project
Scale-resolving airborne temperature fluctuation measurements in subtropical marine boundary layer
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: ONR
Realisation period: Sept. 1, 2023–April 30, 2026 -
Next Generation Earth Modelling Systems (NextGEMS)
Role: Investigator
Source of financing: EC, HORIZON 2020
Realisation period: Sept. 1, 2021–Aug. 31, 2025 -
High resolution temperature measurements: investigations of ocean-atmosphere turbulent exchange in the course of EUREC4A-ATOMIC campaign.
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: NCN, HARMONIA
Realisation period: April 17, 2019–April 16, 2023 -
COMPLETE - Cloud-MicroPhysics-Turbulence-Telemetry: An inter-multidisciplinary training network for enhancing the understanding and modeling of atmospheric clouds
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: EC, HORIZON 2020
Realisation period: June 1, 2016–Jan. 31, 2021 -
Mikrodynamika chmur
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: NCN, MAESTRO
Realisation period: Aug. 28, 2013–Aug. 27, 2019 -
Impact of ocean-atmosphere processes on atmospheric dynamics in Eastern Indian Ocean and Maritime Continent
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: ONR
Realisation period: May 29, 2015–Dec. 31, 2017 -
Psychrometr samolotowy i optyczna detekcja pary wodnej
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: MNiSW
Realisation period: May 18, 2011–Aug. 31, 2015 -
Study of Air-Sea interaction and Cloud parameterizations in suport of parameterization development for global mesoscale models at NRL Monterey
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: ONR
Realisation period: Feb. 10, 2010–Feb. 11, 2014 -
Badania oddziaływań miedzy atmosfera a oceanem oraz parametryzacji chmur na potrzeby rozwoju globalnych modeli mezoskalowych w NRL Monterey
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: MNiSW
Realisation period: Feb. 10, 2010–Feb. 11, 2014 -
Europejskie przedsięwzięcie badań lotniczych w zakresie nauk o ziemii i środowisku
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: MNiSW
Realisation period: Jan. 1, 2009–Sept. 30, 2013 -
EUFAR - European Fleet for Airborne Research in Environmental and Geoscience
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: EC, 7th Framework Programme
Realisation period: Oct. 8, 2008–Sept. 30, 2013 -
Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in atmospheric research
Role: Mamber in Management Committee
Source of financing: COST
Realisation period: June 18, 2008–May 19, 2013 -
Badanie optycznych i fizycznych własności aerozolu atmosferycznego i cząstek chmurowych na podstawie pomiarów teledetekcyjnych
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: MNiSW, Promotorski
Realisation period: May 4, 2009–Oct. 30, 2010 -
Fizyka wierzchołkowej części chmur Stratocumulus
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: MNiSW
Realisation period: June 1, 2008–Dec. 31, 2009 -
Numerical simulations of convection in geophysical flows
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: MNiSW, Promotorski
Realisation period: May 9, 2008–June 30, 2009 -
Aerosol soli morskiej w globalnych modelach transportu - porównanie wyników i rozwój modelu
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: MNiSW, Promotorski
Realisation period: Oct. 9, 2007–April 8, 2009 -
POST - Collaborative Reserch: Physics of Stratocumulus Top
Role: Investigator
Source of financing: NSF
Realisation period: Jan. 1, 2008–Feb. 28, 2009 -
Metodyka generacji regionalnych bred wektorów dla obszaru Polski dla potrzeb prognozowania pogody metodą wiązek
Role: Principal investigator
Source of financing: MNiSW
Realisation period: May 5, 2006–May 4, 2008 -
Badanie spektralnych właściwości optycznych aerozolu oraz wymuszania radiacyjnego
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: KBN
Realisation period: Nov. 8, 2004–Nov. 7, 2007 -
Validation and Data Assimilation for the Navy Transport Models: NAAPS and COAMPS/transport, NICOM
Role: Investigator
Source of financing: ONR
Realisation period: Oct. 11, 2004–Oct. 11, 2007 -
CESSAR Centre of excellence in small scale atmospheric research
Role: Investigator
Source of financing: EC, 5th Framework Programme
Realisation period: Oct. 11, 2002–Oct. 11, 2006 -
Analiza oddziaływań hydrodynamicznych w strukturze chmurowej
Role: Principal investigator
Source of financing: KBN
Realisation period: Oct. 11, 2003–Oct. 11, 2005 -
Numeryczny niehydrostatyczny model procesów atmosferycznych w małych i średnich skalach
Role: Principal investigator
Source of financing: KBN
Realisation period: Oct. 11, 2001–Oct. 11, 2003 -
PACE - Parameterisation of the aerosol indirect climatic effect
Role: Investigator
Source of financing: EC, 5th Framework Programme
Realisation period: Oct. 11, 2000–Oct. 11, 2002 -
Simultaneous fine-scale temperature and cloud liquid water measurements in marine stratocumulus clouds
Role: Investigator
Source of financing: KBN
Realisation period: Oct. 11, 2001–Oct. 11, 2001 -
Wpływ procesów falowych w atmosferze na strukturę planetarnej warstwy granicznej
Role: Project leader
Source of financing: KBN, Promotorski
Realisation period: Oct. 11, 2000–Oct. 11, 2001 -
Wpływ wirów na gradient temperatury oraz koncentrację unoszonych cząstek
Role: Principal investigator
Source of financing: MNiI
Realisation period: Sept. 10, 1999–Sept. 30, 2001 -
Drobnoskalowe mieszanie turbulencyjne w chmurach: badania eksperymentalne i modelowanie numeryczne
Role: Principal investigator
Source of financing: KBN
Realisation period: Oct. 11, 1997–Oct. 11, 1999 -
PRESTO Precision Weather Forecast System for Different Types of Transport
Role: Investigator
Source of financing: EC, 4th Framework Programme
Realisation period: Oct. 11, 1997–Oct. 11, 1999 -
Struktura i dynamika wirów oraz ich zastosowania do opisu przepływów turbulentnych
Role: Principal investigator
Source of financing: MNiI
Realisation period: March 15, 1997–March 14, 1999 -
Eksperymentalne i teoretyczne badania oddziaływań międzyskalowych w chmurach
Role: Principal investigator
Source of financing: KBN
Realisation period: Oct. 11, 1995–Oct. 11, 1998 -
Empiryczne badania smug chłodniowych i kominowych Elektrowni Bełchatów
Role: Investigator
Source of financing: KPRM, Rządowy Program Badawczo-Rozwojowy, http://cordis.europa.eu/data/PROJ_FP5/ACTIONeqDndSESSIONeq112362005919ndDOCeq288ndTBLeqEN_PROJ.htm
Realisation period: Oct. 11, 1983–Oct. 11, 1988
Research & Organizational Project
ATMO ACCESS - Solutions for Sustainable Access to Atmospheric Research Facilities
Role: Co-investigator
Source of financing: EC, HORIZON 2020
Realisation period: April 1, 2021–March 31, 2025
Field Experiment
BBC2 - Baltex Bridge Cloud campaign
Role: Investigator
Realisation period: Oct. 11, 2003–Oct. 11, 2003
- Comparison of the numerical simulations of the stratocumulus clouds against the in-situ measurements data
Marta Kopeć, Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2023 - Cloud Microphysical Measurements with Shadowgraph Imaging Technique
Moein Mohammadi, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydzial Fizyki, 2023 - Turbulence properties in coupled and decoupled stratocumulus-topped marine boundary layers
Jakub L. Nowak, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydzial Fizyki, 2022 - Analysis and Modelling of Small-Scale Turbulence
Emmanuel Akinlabi, Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2020 - Air-sea interaction in tropical atnosphere: influence of ocean mixtng on atmospheic processes
Dariusz Baranowski, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2015 - Badanie optycznych i fizycznych własności aerozolu atmosferycznego i cząstek chmurowych na podstawie pomiarów teledetekcyjnych
Aleksandra Kardaś, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2013 - Teledetekcyjne badanie optycznych własności aerosoli atmosferycznych
Michał Posyniak, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2013 - Numerical simulations of convection in geophysical flows
Zbigniew Piotrowski, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2010
Marcin Witek, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2008
Adam Jaczewski, Instytut Geofizyki PAN, 2005- Wpływ wody na drobnoskalowe turbulencje w chmurach
Mirosław Andrejczuk, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2004 - Wpływ procesów falowych w atmosferze na strukturę planetarnej warstwy granicznej
Andrzej Wyszogrodzki, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2001 - Laboratoryjne badanie mieszania turbulencyjnego w chmurach
Piotr Banat, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2001
- Diurnal evolution of atmospheric boundary layer based on uncrewed aerial vehicles profiling
Michał Ciuryło, Wydział Fizyki, 2024 - Simulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Flow with the Finite Pointset Method (FPM)
Emmanuel Akinlabi, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2018
Jakub Nowak, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2016
Katarzyna Nurowska, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2014
Katarzyna Karpińska, Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej UJ, 2013
Anna Górska, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2012- Mezoscale ensemble forecast. Analysis of the results of the numerical experiment
Katarzyna Bednarek, Wydział Fizyki, 2012 - Turbulent mixing in the top of stratocumuls cloud - numerical simulation
Marta Kopeć, Wydział Fizyki, 2010
Dariusz Baranowski, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2009
Aleksander Nowiński, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2006
Jakub Krawczyk, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2006- Mesoscale ensemble weather prediction
Jerzy Konarski, Wydział Fizyki, 2006
Michał Łopacki, Wydział Fizyki UW (MISMAP), 2006- Prosta automatyczna stacja meteorologiczna w szkole - pomiar zmienności ciśnienia atmosferycznego, temperatury i wilgotności powietrza
Anna Karolina Jagodnicka, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2005
Piotr Drzewiecki, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2005
Anna Karolina Jagodnicka, Międzywydziałowe Studium Ochrony Środowiska UW, 2004
Julia Biszczuk, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2004
Marcin Witek, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2003
Piotr Korczyk, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2003- Mesoscale modelling of atmospheric flows over complicated topography
Zbigniew Piotrowski, Wydział Fizyki UW (MISMAP), 2003
Barbara Brzóska, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2002
Marta Cwalina, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2001
Tomasz Sikora, Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej UMK w Toruniu, 2000
Adam Jaczewski, Wydział Fizyki UW, 1998
Andrzej Wyszogrodzki, Wydział Fizyki UW, 1997
Piotr Banat, Wydział Fizyki UW, 1997
Aleksander Curyło, Wydział Fizyki UW, 1996
Barbara Żelazińska, Wydział Fizyki UW, 1996
- Ultra-fast thermometer UFT-2 at various ventillation speed
Bartosz Cybulski, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Fizyki, 2023 - Atmospheric boundary layer reaserching with an unmanned aerial vehicle
Michał Ciuryło, Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2022 - Ultrafast thermometer UFT: power spectra of temperature fluctuations
Michał Czerepaniak, Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2022 - Comparison of aerological surveys obtained during EUREC4A campaign with numerical data
Alicja Kałucka, Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2021 - High-frequency airborne temperature measurements analyzed with artificial intelligence techniques
Jakub Kwiatkowski, Wydzial Fizyki, 2018
Katarzyna Nurowska, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2012
Anna Górska, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2011
Jakub Maksymowicz, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2009
Anna Parapura, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2008
Karolina Kucharczyk, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2008
Adam Staśkiewicz, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2007
Nikodem Dobrzański, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2005
Dariusz Pomirski, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2004
Jacek Szczęsny, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2003
Monika Czarnecka, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2003
Julita Biszczuk, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2001
Igor Zalewski, Wydział Fizyki UW, 1996
Habilitation dissertations
Zenon Nieckarz, Instytut Geofizyki PAN, 2017
Daniel Jakubczyk, Instytut Fizyki PAN, 2015
Anita Lewandowska, Uniwersytet Gdański, Wydział Oceanografii i Geografii, 2012
Piotr Flatau, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Fizyki, 2012
Paweł Licznar, Politechnika Wrocławska, Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska, 2010
Tymon Zieliński, Instytut Oceanologii PAN, 2007
Robert Twardosz, Wydział Biologii i Nauk o Ziemi, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 2006
Tomasz Petelski, Instytut Oceanologii PAN, 2006
Hanna Pawłowska, Instytut Geofizyki PAN, 2000
Doctoral dissertations
Taraprasad Bhowmick, Politecnico di Torino, 2021
Piotr Markuszewski, Instytut Oceanologii PAN, 2018
Lech Gawuć, Wydział Instalacji Budowlanych, Hydrotechniki i Inżynierii Środowiska, Politechnika Warszawska, 2017
Tomasz Neumann, Instytut Oceanologii PAN, 2017
Mariusz Zieliński, Wydział Nauk Geograficznych, Uniwersytet Łódzki, 2015
Katarzyna Michałowska-Knap, Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska, 2012- Modelowanie mieszania podskalowego w modelach numerycznych płytkiej konwekcji
Dorota Jarecka, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2012
Marek Kubicki, Instytut Geofizyki PAN, 2011- Impact of entrainment and mixing on optical properties of shallow cumulus clouds
Joanna Sławińska, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2011
Zenon Nieckarz, Wydział Biologii i Nauk o Ziemi, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 2009
Anna Wawrzaszek, Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN, 2009
Krzysztof Dekajło, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN, 2008
Paulina Wolkenberg, Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN, 2007
Katrin Lehmann, Der fakultat der Physik und Geowissenschafen der Universitat Leipzig, Niemcy, 2007
Marek Strumik, Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN, 2006
Marcin Zientara, Instytut Fizyki PAN, 2004
Małgorzata Zdunek, Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska, 2004- Chaos and Noise in the Solar Wind Flow
Stefano Redaelli, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2003
Kamil Stelmaszczyk, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2003
Joanna Strużewska, Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Inżynierii Środowiska, 2002- Tethered-Ballon Borne Turbulence measurements in the Cloudy Boundary Layer
Holger Siebert, Universität Leipzig, Fakultät für Physik und Geowissenschaften, Niemcy, 2001
Master of Science Dissartations
- 1.5 ka BP episode in the light of selected palaeoclimatic data in Central Europe
Agata Han, Uniwersyteckie Centrum Badań nad Środowiskiem Przyrodniczym i Zrównoważonym Rozwojem, 2022 - Modelling of interactions of sea ice with atmospheric and oceanic boundary layers
Maciej Dojczman, Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2020 - Simulations of sea salt aerosol radiative forcing in the far–infrared range
Dominika Czyżewska, Wydział Fizyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2019 - Optical, radiative and microphysical properties of smog in the urban area of Kielce
Juliusz Braun, Wydzial Fizyki, 2017 - Evaluation of Lagrangian Cloud Microphysics Model using a Kinematic Framework
Anna Zimniak, Wydział Fizyki, 2016 - Micropulse lidar, construction, functioning and data analysis
Maciej Miernecki, Wydział Fizyki, 2010 - Retrieval of aerosol optical properties from satellite measurements and ground-based observations
Olga Zawadzka, MSOŚ, 2009 - Climactic analysis of the aerosol properties over Central Europe
Aneta Maciszewska, Wydział Fizyki, 2007 - Measurements of atmospheric optical thickness in various meteorological conditions
Michał Posyniak, Wydział Fizyki, 2006 - Badanie własności optycznych aerosoli atmosferycznych metodami teledetekcyjnymi
Aleksandra Kardaś, Wydział Fizyki UW, 2005
Joanna Remiszewska, 2003
Bachelor thesis
- Analysis of the results of aircraft observations of droplet size spectra in clouds
Tomasz Szumski, Wydział Fizyki, 2012 - The Cryosphere and global climate change
Karolina Dorocińska, Wydział Fizyki, 2009 - Observation of aerosol optical properties based on a simple sun photometer
Agata Jurek, Wydział Fizyki, 2007 - Clouds and climate change
Maciej Bartosiak, Wydział Fizyki, 2006 - "Artificial clouds over industrial objects"
Irena Ślubowska, Wydział Fizyki, 2006
Master of Science Dissartation
Small-scale temperature fluctuations in clouds
Promoter: prof. dr hab. Szymon Malinowski
Period: 2017/2018
Status: available -
Symmetries of quasi-geostophic turbulence
Promoter: Marta Wacławczyk, Szymon Malinowski
Status: available
Bachelor thesis
Small-scale temperature fluctuations in clouds
Promoter: prof. dr hab. Szymon Malinowski
Period: 2017/2018
Status: available
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