Research group

Microphysics of clouds

Atmospheric Physics Department

Research Group Leader:

We investigate the microphysics and dynamics of convective clouds in a wide range of spatial and temporal scales: from the detailed microphysics of individual aerosol and cloud droplets (activation, growth by condensation, and collision-coalescence), to the motion of the whole cloud. To answer our research questions, we develop and apply a Lagrangian Cloud Model, where the cloud-scale flow computed by Large-Eddy Simulations is coupled with a Lagrangian description of the cloud-particle microphysics.

Numerical modeling software developed by our group:

libmpdata++ - library of solvers of the generalized transport equation

libcloudph++ - library for modeling cloud microphysics

UWLCM - LES model model based on libmpdata++ and libcoudph++

Research project

prof. dr hab. Hanna Pawłowska
dr Gustavo Abade
dr Piotr Dziekan
dr Valerian Jewtoukoff
mgr inż. Daniel Albuquerque
mgr inż. Piotr Żmijewski


prof. dr hab. Wojciech Grabowski - National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, USA
prof. dr Piotr Smolarkiewicz - National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, USA
dr Shin-ichiro Shima - University of Hyogo, Kobe, Japan

dr Maciej Waruszewski
dr Sylwester Arabas
dr Anna Jaruga