Seminarium fizyki atmosfery

Satellite observations showed a negligible reduction in NO2 pollution due to COVID-19 lockdown over Poland

mgr Emeka Ugboma

Instytut Geofizyki Wydział Fizyki Uniwersytet Warszawski


24 listopada 2023 13:15, ul. Pasteura 5, B4.58 and online via ZOOM

This study analyzed tropospheric NO2 levels in Poland from 2010 to 2020, focusing on major cities and the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020. During the lockdown, notable pollution sources were identified in Katowice, Warszawa, and Bełchatów. While NO2 pollution decreased during the lockdown, this reduction was consistent with typical monthly and annual variations. Kraków exhibited the highest reduction in March 2020, while Gdańsk, Wrocław, and Warszawa also showed decreases throughout the lockdown. Meteorological conditions affected NO2 dispersion, but anthropogenic emissions remained the primary driver of NO2 concentrations. Ultimately, the study found that COVID-19 restrictions had a negligible impact on NO2 pollution in Poland, confirming the importance of reduced traffic in urban pollution reduction.


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