
Study Case of Air-Mass Modification over Poland and Romania Observed by the Means of Multiwavelength Raman Depolarization Lidars

Costa-Surós M., Janicka L., Stachlewska I.S., Nemuc A., Talianu C., Heese B. and Engelmann R.

EPJ Web of Conferences

119, 2016, art. 08008, 10.1051/epjconf/201611908008

An air-mass modification, on its way from Poland to Romania, observed between 19-21 July 2014 is discussed. The air-mass was investigated using data of two multi-wavelength lidars capable of performing regular elastic, depolarization and Raman measurements in Warsaw, Poland, and in Magurele, Romania. The analysis was focused on evaluating optical properties of aerosol in order to search for similarities and differences in the vertical profiles describing the atmospheric layers above the two stations within given period.
