The Prof. Maciej W. Grabski Distinction for Prof. Szymon Malinowski

The Prof. Maciej W. Grabski Distinction, awarded by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) since 2016, may be granted to persons who act for the understanding of science in society, building trust in scientific knowledge, supporting education and explaining the impact of science and scientists on the civilisational development of Poland. In 2022, for the third time, FNP selected the winners of the Prof. Maciej W. Grabski Distinction, who are:

Prof. Andrzej Białas - physicist, professor of mathematical and physical sciences. PAUza Akademicka", a weekly published by Prof. Białas since 2008, is a forum for discussion among the academic community on science and its role in society. Over the years of its existence, it has become a platform for exchanging thoughts of scientists on issues such as the ethical aspect of research work, social responsibilities of scientists, the need to improve their communication with society. Prof. Białas has been and still is an active participant in these discussions, in his columns he advocates the truth in science, condemning untruths and half-truths as well as common fake news, which influence the incorrect perception of the role of science by society.

Magdalena Bajer - science journalist and publicist. For several decades, she has been involved in bringing closer the place of science in society and explaining the social role of scientists, including issues related to the condition of science, the specificity of scientific work, research achievements, problems of the academic community or the fate of intelligentsia in Poland. She is the author of a series of interviews with people of science: Racje, Źródła, the volume of interviews Blizny po ukąszeniu (1995) and Jak wierzą uczeni: Rozmowy z profesorami (2010), Rody uczone. Lines to Sketch (2013, second volume: 2019).  She also managed publishing series important for the popularisation of science - including OMEGA (published by Wiedza Powszechna, 1973 - 1976), in which dozens of books popularising science were published, and Library of Contemporary Thought (published by PIW, 1976 - 1978).

Prof. Szymon Malinowski - an atmospheric physicist, for many years, has been promoting scientific knowledge on climate change. He is a co-founder of the science of climate portal, the authors of which, in cooperation with the most prominent Polish climate researchers, try to provide readers with basic knowledge about climate and global warming. He participates in picnics and science festivals, television and radio programmes, as well as meetings or lectures open to the public. He is the protagonist of the documentary film "It's OK to Panic/It's OK to Panic" presented in 2020 as part of the prestigious Millennium Docs Against Gravity Festival, which shows his everyday struggle with ignorance and misinformation about the climate crisis in Poland.

Congratulations to all the winners!

More info: https://www.fnp.org.pl/fnp-przyznala-wyroznienia-im-prof-macieja-w-grabskiego/

Originally published on - March 15, 2022, 9:30 a.m.
Last update on - March 16, 2022, 8:30 a.m.
Publisher - Sekretariat IGF
