NAWA Canaletto 2024
One of the NAWA Canaletto 2024 laureates is prof. Ryszard Buczyński from the Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.
The competition aims to support the mobility of researchers from Italy and Poland.
The Canaletto competition is organized every three years by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) in cooperation with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI).
To date, 30 research teams have received funding to support mobility as part of jointly conducted research. In this year's edition of the competition, titled "Joint Research Projects Poland – Italy," 16 research teams will receive funding. The support will be allocated to the mobility of researchers from Italy and Poland for the years 2025–2026.
The selected projects are distinguished by their high academic quality and involve prestigious academic and research institutions from both countries, thereby strengthening scientific collaboration between Italy and Poland.
One of the NAWA Canaletto 2024 laureates is Prof. Ryszard Buczyński. “The funding received will allow my team to conduct collaborative research on the internal structure of special optical fibers containing ordered dielectric and semiconductor nanostructures, as well as nanocrystals and nanoceramics,” explains Prof. Buczyński.
The project's partner is a research group from Università della Calabria, led by Prof. Vincenzo Formoso and Dr. Mario Ferraro. “The Italian team has a unique method of material analysis utilizing X-ray equipment, which enables the examination of internal structures of materials with submicron resolution,” adds the physicist from the University of Warsaw.
Prof. Ryszard Buczyński is a professor of physical sciences, a member of the Photonics Division at the Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, and the leader of the Photonic Materials Research Group at the Łukasiewicz Research Network –in Instytut Mikroelektroniki i Fotoniki Łukasiewicz. His research focuses on the development of new fiber and optical fiber structures, micro-optical elements, transparent ceramics, bioactive glasses, and micro-opto-fluidic systems for use in advanced photonic systems, with particular emphasis on sensor, biomedical, and telecommunication applications. He is the recipient of numerous grants, including MAESTRO and OPUS from Narodowe Centrum Nauki of Poland. He has been listed four times in the prestigious World’s Top 2% Scientists ranking prepared annually by Stanford University in collaboration with Elsevier. Additionally, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by Vinh University in Vietnam.
Originally published on - Jan. 3, 2025, 4:26 p.m.
Last update on - Jan. 3, 2025, 5:16 p.m.
Publisher - IGF FUW