Mapa Moho


The European plate has a 4.5 Gy long and complex tectonic history. This is reflected in the present day large scale structures. The new digital Moho depth map is compiled from more than 250 data sets of individual seismic profiles, 3D models obtained by body and surface waves, receiver function results, and maps of seismic and/or gravity data compilations. We have compiled the first digital, high resolution map of the Moho depth for the whole European plate extending from the Ural Mountains in the east to mid-Atlantic ridge in the west, and from the Mediterranean Sea in the south to the Barents Sea and Spitsbergen in Arctic in the north. In general three large domains within European plate crust are visible. The oldest Archean and Proterozoic crust has thickness 40-60 km, continental Variscan and Alpine crust has thickness 20-40 km, and the youngest oceanic Atlantic crust has thickness 10-20 km. An estimation of uncertainty has been computed for the area of the Moho map.

Marek Grad (1), Timo Tiira (2) & ESC Working Group#
(1) Institute of Geophysics, University of Warsaw, Pasteura 7, 02-093 Warsaw,Poland
(2) Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, P.O. Box 68, FIN-00014, Finland

# ESC Working Group comprises: M. Behm, A.A. Belinsky, D.C. Booth, E. Brückl, R. Cassinis, R.A. Chadwick, W. Czuba, A.V. Egorkin, R.W. England, Yu.M. Erinchek, G.R. Fougler, E. Gaczyński, A. Gosar, M. Grad, A. Guterch, E. Hegedűs, P. Hrubcová, T. Janik, W. Jokat, E.E. Karagianni, G.R. Keller, A. Kelly, K. Komminaho, T. Korja, J. Kortström, S.L. Kostyuchenko, E. Kozlovskaya, G. Laske, L. Lenkey, U. Luosto, P.K.H. Maguire, M. Majdański, M. Malinowski, F. Marone, J. Mechie, E.D. Milshtein, G. Motuza, S. Nikolova, S. Olsson, M. Pasyanos, O.V. Petrov, V.E. Rakitov, R. Raykova, O. Ritzmann, R. Roberts, M. Sachpazi, I.A. Sanina, M.C. Schmidt-Aursch, I. Serrano, A. Špičák, P. Środa, F. Šumanovac, B. Taylor, T. Tiira, A.G. Vedrentsev, J. Vozár, Z. Weber, M. Wilde-Piórko, T.P. Yegorova, J. Yliniemi, B. Zelt, E.E. Zolotov.

If you find the moho map useful, please cite:
Grad, M., Tiira, T., and ESC Working Group, 2009. The Moho depth map of the European Plate, Geophys. J. Int. (2009) 176, 279-292, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03919.x.

Downloadable files:
Pliki do pobrania:

Moho depth [km] in 0.1 x 0.1 degree grid, grd (netCDF) file from GMT4.0
głębokość Moho [km] na siatce 0.1 x 0.1 stopnia, plik grd (netCDF) z GMT4.0

Moho depth uncertainty [km] in 0.1 x 0.1 degree grid, grd (netCDF) file from GMT4.0
niepewność głębokości Moho [km] na siatce 0.1 x 0.1 stopnia, plik grd (netCDF) z GMT4.0

To make easily Moho depth or uncertainty grid into ArcGis (9.2) layer file:
-change the name of Europe_moho_depth_2007.grd into Europe_moho_depth_2007.grd.nc or Europe_moho_uncertainty_2007.grd into Europe_moho_uncertainty_2007.grd.nc
-use "Make NetCDF Raster Layer"-tool from "Arc Tools/Multidimension tools" to import file into ArcGis-layer
-use longitude and latitude for dimensions and moho depth[km] (or uncertainty[km]) for variable

Ascii file with longitude, latitude, moho depth [km], uncertainty[km] in 0.1 x 0.1 degree grid
plik ascii z szerokością i długością geograficzną, głębokością Moho [km] oraz jej niepewnością [km] na siatce 0.1 x 0.1 stopnia

To make easily Moho depth or uncertainty grid into ArcGis (9.2) layer file:
-change the name of Europe_moho_depth_2007.grd into Europe_moho_depth_2007.grd.nc or Europe_moho_uncertainty_2007.grd into Europe_moho_uncertainty_2007.grd.nc
-use "Make NetCDF Raster Layer"-tool from "Arc Tools/Multidimension tools" to import file into ArcGis-layer
-use longitude and latitude for dimensions and moho depth[km] (or uncertainty[km]) for variable

A0-size postscript and PDF plots of the Moho map
mapa Moho w rozmiarze A0 (postscript, link do pliku PDF wkrótce)

A4-size postscript, jpg, tiff and PDF plots of the Moho map
mapa Moho w rozmiarze A4 (postscript, jpg, tiff, link do pliku PDF wkrótce)

A4-size jpg and tiff. Moho map with title and information
mapa Moho w rozmiarze A4 (jpg i tiff) z tytułem i legendą

The Moho map covers area lat 28N-86N, lon 40W-70E.
The ascii- and grd-files cover area lat 27N-87N, lon 41W - 71E.
The grid-files have 1 degree larger area on each side to help plotting areas at the edges of the map. Please note, that the data coverage outside 28N-86N, 40W-70E is poor and therefore the moho depth values and the uncertainty estimations outside the study area are not reliable.

Please, send any comments or questions about the map to Marek Grad mgrad@mimuw.edu.pl or Timo Tiira timo.tiira@helsinki.fi
New additions to future upgrades of the Moho map are welcome.


Data zmiany strony 19 czerwca 2018 12:06