
Promotion of the iAREA Project

1. Presentation of a poster entitled "Impact of absorbing aerosols on radiative forcing in the European Arctic" during The Arctic Science Summit Week 2013, Kraków, Poland, May 2013.

2. Oral and Poster presentations entitled "Impact of absorbing aerosols on radiative forcing in the European Arctic" during I Poland-AOD conference Impact of aerosol on climate system, Warsaw, September 2013. 

3. Workshop of the Polish part of the iAREA project during I Poland-AOD conference Impact of aerosol on climate system, Warsaw, 26 Sep 2013.

4. Release of the iAREA web page, November 2013.

5. Facebook page about Arctic campaign, March 2014

6. Seminar "Wpływ aerozoli absorbujących na wymuszanie radiacyjne w europejskiej części Arktyki" by Krzysztof Markowicz, Insitute of Geophysics, University of Warsaw, 11 April 2014, Warsaw

7. Oral Presentation by Krzysztof Markowicz and Michał Chiliński entitled "Arctic smog research - a report from an experiment in Spitsbergen (Badania smogu arktycznego - sprawozdanie z eksperymentu na Spitsbergenie)" during Festiwal Nauki, Sep, 2014.

8. Plenary session "Własność optyczne i mikrofizyczne smogu arktycznego" during second nation conference Poland-AOD, Sopot, 7-9 October 2015r.

9. Promotion of iAREA project during Sopot Science Day, 24 May 2015r., Sopot.

10. Presentation of iAREA results and status of the Project by Krzysztof Markowicz during Polish and Norwegian research on climate and environment, Sopot, 20-21 Nov, 2015.

11. Access to data base including iAREA results:

12. Popular science paper, K. Markowicz, Fizyka w Szkole, 2015,

13. Poster presentation during popular science event "Marine experiments", July 2015, Sopot.

14. Photography exhibition, 20 May 2015, Sopot

15. Vernissage works of the contest for children as part of a popular science events, May 2015, Sopot.